Dear Nimbin Central School students, families and staff,
As you would have heard this morning, schools will be moving to a staggered and partial return of students to face-to-face teaching from Week 3 Term 2. This is an exciting development and one that will help us to ensure that every student remains connected with school and their learning in an ongoing way and in the best possible manner. We are working on the model that will best support our Nimbin Central School context and will let you know what this looks like and means for you and your students as soon as possible.
In the meantime, schools have been granted an extra Staff Development Day this Term to assist and support the prompt, efficient and meaningful implementation of this process. Students will therefore be returning to the learning model active last term, from Wednesday 29 April. Learning will be available online, on the website, in hard copy or on USB, available from the school, from this date.
I will keep you updated with the latest and most accurate information as it becomes available and as before, please do not hesitate to contact us at the school with any inquiries.
Your support, as always, is appreciated and makes a positive difference to the learning and wellbeing of our young people.
Stay well and safe and enjoy a well earned break in this glorious Autumn weather.
Cath Marshall

School Counsellor Services
At present, our school counsellor service will be "checking in" remotely. You can still refer children and young people to our school counsellor, Julia Tobin, and she can contact students and engage with them remotely.
If you have any concerns around your children's wellbeing please do not hesitate to contact the school on 02 6689 1355 and we can organise this referral for you.
If it is outside school hours and your matter is urgent, please contact any of the following services:
- 1800 551 800
- eHeadspace:
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
- Mental Health Access Line: 1800 011 511
- In the event of an emergency call 000
Dear Parents and Carers
We are conscious of information in the community that families are required to contact the school to inform us of their young person's attendance status.
At Nimbin Central School we are using the latest DoE guidelines to record student attendance:
• If we have evidence that a student is engaging in work provided then the student will be marked as attending school: Flexible (F) - Students at home engaged in learning.
• If there is no evidence of engagement in work and/or staff have not been able to make contact with parents/carers then the student will be marked absent from school: Absent (A) - There is no evidence of students completing work.
• If a parent/carer contacts the school to inform that their child is sick as per usual arrangements the student will be marked as sick: Sick (S) - Parents advise the school that their child is sick.
Kind regards